Venu Naturopathy


Jivesh Jha

Jivesh Jha

About Jivesh Jha

The author is currently Judicial Officer with Janakpur High Court (Birgunj Bench), Nepal

More From Jivesh Jha

Right to privacy law in digital age: Nepal needs to educate social media users on cyber democracy

Socialising is and has always been a part of people’s life

On Nepal’s Constitution Day: Time to celebrate its unique, progressive features

The ambitious provisions of fundamental rights mentioned in Nepal’s Constitution would lose its charm if the state turns a deaf ear in giving effect to its provisions in a true and material sense, writes Jivesh Jha  for South Asia Monitor

Rising COVID cases in Nepal: Time to include pandemic justice as subject in university curricula

So, with the recognition of international obligations, the states could adopt a unanimous disaster/pandemic risk governance system to enable disaster preparedness and risk reduction mechanisms, writes Jivesh Jha for South Asia Monitor

Nepal urgently needs mechanism for compliance of court orders

The non-compliance of court orders would not only lower the public confidence on the judiciary in Nepal, but it will also pose threats to judicial credibility and rule of law, writes Jivesh Jha for South Asia Monitor

In the time of COVID-19 pandemic, let’s not forget other epidemics in Nepal

It is clear that Nepal is exposed to multiple forms of infectious diseases. So, it becomes imperative for the Nepal government to be better equipped and expedite viral monitoring to stop possible outbreaks in the future, writes Jivesh Jha  for South Asia Monitor

Misplaced concerns over Nepal’s new citizenship bill blind a larger social reality

Cross-border marriages, i.e., matrimony between Nepal's son/daughter and India’s son/daughter are very common in India's bordering districts of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, writes Jivesh Jha  for South Asia Monitor

Nepal needs a comprehensive pandemic law to battle coronavirus

It is advisable for the governments - of both Nepal and possibly India - to take a leaf from the UK Coronavirus Act, 2020 which was enacted for defeating COVID-19, writes Jivesh Jha  for South Asia Monitor

Nepal needs to show social solidarity in coronavirus lockdown

We, the people of Nepal should understand that if an unfortunate incident can befall one, it can befall others too. That’s why we all need to stand together, writes Jivesh Jha for the South Asia Monitor

Can Nepal’s domestic laws prevail over an IPR Compact with US corporation MCC?

The MCC, which has approved 37 compacts for 29 countries since its inception in 2004, could extend a claim on products originating or produced from Nepal, which would unfortunately lose its sovereign rights over certain products which have their origin in Nepal, write Jivesh Jha and Nil Prasad Paneru for South Asia Monitor